CBC Marketplace on Soaring Vet Prices

If you have a pet you know how Vet costs have been soaring in recent years. Part of the reason is lack of competition due to consolidation. Here's CBC's Marketplace on How the corporatization of vet clinics is driving up prices across Canada.

You can also search on this page to see if your vet is owned by one of the the Big 3. (Use the search box rather than scrolling.)

Personally, I find the Vet situation in Canada to be dreadful, and I don't just mean the pricing. I had a friend take her dog to Dundas West Animal Hospital for teeth cleaning and a few hours later the dog was dead because they failed to hook him up to oxygen during the procedure. The dog died of cardiac arrest and after a months-long investigation proving their incompetence, the clinic was given a slap on the wrist. The vet still practices and there's no public record of the incident for people searching. Google even deleted the dog owner's review, presumably at the request of the clinic. They offered my friend a "maximum of three hours of grief counselling" and refunded her for the procedure that killed her perfectly healthy dog. It's a disgraceful industry with no accountability and the governing body has no teeth to make meaningful change.


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