
4 Posts

MetaFilter turns 25

Today, Metafilter turned 25.

It's the only website I check at least once a day (in reality, it's probably closer to 20, especially if you include ask.metafilter). I've been a member since 2002, which means, at an minimum, I've loaded its front page more than 8000 times.

I've visited it more often than Gmail (MF has been around longer) and — in fact, I was an early user of gmail because Jessamyn West (MetaFilter's current owner) sent me an invite before it was opened to all users.

To my mind, MetaFilter is unquestionably one of best things ever about the Internet.

Much of the press it's getting in honor of being around a quarter of a century is identifying it as "the good internet." Absolutely true.



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