
7 Posts

Two Pages Still Going Strong

Samples from Tokyo
Two Pages is a series of nomadic sketchbooks shared by designers, artists, and illustrators around the world.

Since 2012, Two Pages connects local and international creative communities through raw creativity and spontaneous mark-making. It is an ongoing effort to record, spread and exchange ideas through the hand-to-hand journey of each book.
Samples from Tokyo

Past cities include Barcelona, Tokyo, Antwerp, Mexico City, Tehran, Cape Town, London, and many more. Toronto is happening right now.

Samples from Tokyo

You can read an interview with creators on It's Nice That and view Sketchbooks from all cities on Two Pages.

Five Days, Thousands of Windows

Stephen Wiltshire is an architectural illustrator best-known for his panoramic illustrations of city skylines which he does from memory.

I first became aware of him a few years ago when I saw Callum Cooper's short about his NY panorama (which is now on permanent display in The Empire State Building). Here's the short:

More info on Stephen's website, including info on his panoramas of Singapore, Dubai, Rome, and London.


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