
Posts that focus on and link to the doings of others.

459 Posts

Make It Yourself

Wonderful project: MakeItYourself.Org is a free, downloadable book (PDF) of illustrations, each of which links to instructions on how to make the item in question:

Across the world creative people are making high quality things of all kinds and sharing their work freely with all of humanity. Make it Yourself showcases this incredible talent, bringing together over 1000 useful DIY projects to demonstrate just what is possible when you make things yourself. Each featured item links directly to their original project websites, where you’ll find everything needed to make them.

Small Web Randomizers

This week saw the launch of two services that randomly serve up servings of the Small Web / Indie Web. What is the Small or Indie Web? You’re soaking in it!

A Tiny Bell and other personal blogs are part of it. If you like this kind of content, you may want to check out:

IndieBlog.Page which has an Open Random Blog Post button that you can click or add to your browser as an extension. Hit it when you need a fix.

The second such service is by Kagi, a Google competitor you may wish to check out. Theirs is called Kagi Small Web Randomizer. Simply click that link to be taken to a random part of the Small Web. It’s sourced from a curated list.


I hate the man, but POTUSTracker is a very well-designed website not for just tracking Trump physically (where is he?), but his actions and that of his administration. I imagine this information would be useful for concerned citizens, news junkies, and assassins alike.

There is also a Trump Golf Tracker.

Close Up Photography of the Year

Winners have been announced for the annual Close Up Photography of the Year Awards. Some incredible stuff.

Santiago J. Monroy-Garci / A God in the Shadows
Svetlana Ivanenko / Clash of the Titans
Andres-Luis Dominguez-Blanco / Spring

Winners in all categories can be seen on the CUPOTY site.

The best close up photo I've ever taken is probably this one:


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