
26 Posts

Two Pages Still Going Strong

Samples from Tokyo
Two Pages is a series of nomadic sketchbooks shared by designers, artists, and illustrators around the world.

Since 2012, Two Pages connects local and international creative communities through raw creativity and spontaneous mark-making. It is an ongoing effort to record, spread and exchange ideas through the hand-to-hand journey of each book.
Samples from Tokyo

Past cities include Barcelona, Tokyo, Antwerp, Mexico City, Tehran, Cape Town, London, and many more. Toronto is happening right now.

Samples from Tokyo

You can read an interview with creators on It's Nice That and view Sketchbooks from all cities on Two Pages.

Simone's Coat Hingers

Y'all know I love a well-made product. I also like niche items that solve specific problems. Therefore, I give you Simone Giertz's Coat Hingers:

I initially approached Giertz years ago about carrying her Habit Tracker in Volver (my weird Toronto shop). We couldn't quite come to terms, but that doesn't mean I don't think her stuff is awesome.

She's currently taking pre-orders on the next batch of Coat Hingers, so if this is something you can use, get shopping!


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